Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Four of Us Have Gone Home for Christmas

What a cosy (albeit odd) looking bunch!

From left to right: Dawn, Ethan, Le Hui, Pooks.

Dawn was made for her namesake, a newborn. I added beads in the belly for the calming effect that abit of weight will have on a baby. 33cm in length approximately.

Aaaaawww, doesn't she have a sweet face?

Ethan is a boy bunny. He has evil-ish red eyes. I did not intend to make him goofily evil-ish. Rabbits have red eyes & blue & red is my absolute favourite combination of colours. So there! 43cm in height approximately.

Peering goofily evilly into the camera.

I previously attempted to make Le Hui in a nice fuschia fabric. Unfortunately, the fabric is too thin, & I have since abandoned the idea, so now, I'll just have to find some other use for that fabric. However, corduroy is the bomb! Bless that too-thin fabric! 43cm in height approximately.

Rather than an all-corduroy rabbit, I used the brown printed fabric for some detailing. I just love it! Also used it for the inside of her ears & her belly!

I just love her goofy look! I blame it on the buck teeth.

This is Pooks. I have just been DYING to try my hand at a sock monkey, which was the whole inspiration of my popular SmeowlySockCats anyway, so I was really excited when this order came in! I was so excited that I made a bigger version, Mooks, who will be featured soon! Pooks is 40cm in height.

Pooks has a silly grin on his face.

Dawn - $80 + $5 (embroidered eyes) + $5 (embroidered name) = $90
Ethan - $79 + $5 (embroidered eyes) + $5 (embroidered name) = $89
Le Hui - $79 + $5 (embroidered eyes) + $5 (embroidered name) = $89
Pooks - $79 + $5 (embroidered eyes) + $5 (embroidered name) = $89

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